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Tražimo konsultanta za sprovođenje kampanje zagovaranja

Rok za prijavu 26. septembar do 17h

Ukoliko ste dokazani zagovarač u kampanjama koje se odnose na ekološka pitanja, uspešan organizator događaja i sve to promovišete na društvenim mrežama, ovaj konkurs se odnosi na vas. Vašu biografiju i ponudu za konsultantske usluge pošaljite na mpapovic@wwfadria.org 

1.1. Contract type: Service contract
1.2. Objective of the contract
WWF Adria is implementing the project “Serbia Actions in the Field of Environment, nature and Climate, SAFE Nature and Climate” (hereinafter: Action) which is supported by the European Commission through the Civil Society Facility Program and is a direct response to Serbia's common challenges for global efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate changes. The Action is aimed at strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations in Serbia through grant distribution financial mechanisms and advocating for sound and efficient environmental policies in line with negotiation chapter 27. WWF Adria Serbia is a member of Coalition 27[1] and is involved in the preparation of the Shadow report that has strong advocating momentum towards the EU commission and government in Serbia. On the other hand, the advocating power of the small local organization in Serbia is on a very low level. In that sense, there is a necessity for joint advocating efforts between local organizations in Serbia and Coalition 27 in promoting the new Shadow report that highlights discrepancies in the introduction and implementation of environmental and climate change policies in line with negotiation Chapter 27.    
The consultant will be engaged in the following activities:
  •  to organize an advocacy event for the promotion of the Shadow report no.10 in Belgrade, until November 15th, 2023.;
  • to prepare and arrange the publishing of at least 15 articles on national and local media in the period between October 5th and December 31st, 2023 related to the promotion of the Shadow report;
  • to arrange at least 2 media appearances on national or local television for the representative of WWF Adria, between October 5th and December 31st;
  • to prepare at least 8 web materials with advocacy context for social media from October 5th and December 31st.
1.3. Duration of the contract
Service should be completed no later than December 31st, 2023 when the final deliverable is due.
1.4. Deliverables
Consultancy services should provide the following deliverables:
Advocacy event realized;
  • 15 articles published in at least 15 national or local media;
  • 2 media appearances arranged for the purpose of promoting Shadow report;
  • 8 web materials with advocacy context prepared fo social networks;
  • Report of all activities done sent to WWF Adria Serbia representative.
The Evaluation report and Summary report need to be delivered in digital form, in the English language.

1.5. Proposed payment schedule
The costs are payable based on the SAFE Nature and Climate Project budget line 5.8.2. in the gross amount.
Payment of the service is to be executed in installments, according to the following payment schedule:
  • 40% of the total contract amount to be paid within 30 days of the signature of the service contract;
  • 60% of the total contract amount to be paid within 15 days of the completion of the service.

1.6. Qualifications
The prospective service provider is expected to:
  • have demonstrated at least 3 years of experience in the organization of the events;
  • have demonstrated experience in social media promotion;
  • have demonstrable experience in realizing successful advocacy campaigns related to environmental issues;
  • have effective interpersonal skills.
1.7. Internal and external communication and donor visibility
WWF Adria will appoint a contact person in charge of communication with the service provider during the execution of this service. While executing the contracted assignment, the service provider is expected to regularly engage with WWF Adria, presenting and discussing the progress in order to ensure that the final deliverable meets the objectives of the service contract.
The final deliverable is expected to provide visibility elements of the service provider, WWF Adria and the European Commission. Visibility elements should be used in accordance with the brand guidelines of service providers, WWF and the European Commission.

1.8. Conflict of interest
The selected service provider - will sign the Contract with WWF Adria Serbia, which will contain a Statement of the absence of conflict of interest.

1.1. Vrsta ugovora: Ugovor o pružanju usluga

1.2. Cilj ugovora

WWF Adria sprovodi projekt "Akcije u Srbiji u oblasti životne sredine, prirode i klime, Bezbedna Priroda i Klima" (u daljem tekstu: Akcija), koji podržava Evropska komisija putem Programa za civilno društvo i predstavlja direktan odgovor na zajedničke izazove Srbije u okviru globalnih napora za ublažavanje i prilagođavanje klimatskim promenama. Akcija ima za cilj jačanje kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva u Srbiji putem mehanizama finansijske podrške i zagovaranje za održive i efikasne ekološke politike u skladu s pregovaračkim poglavljem 27. WWF Adria Srbija je član Koalicije 27 i uključena je u pripremu Izveštaja iz senke koji ima snažan zagovarački momentum prema Evropskoj komisiji i vladi Srbije. S druge strane, zagovaračka moć malih lokalnih organizacija u Srbiji je na veoma niskom nivou. U tom smislu, postoji potreba za zajedničkim zagovaračkim naporima između lokalnih organizacija u Srbiji i Koalicije 27 u promociji novog Izveštaja iz senke, br. 10  koji ističe nesrazmernosti u uvođenju i implementaciji politika zaštite životne sredine i klimatskih promena u skladu s pregovaračkim Poglavljem 27.

Konsultant će biti angažovan u sledećim aktivnostima:
  • organizacija zagovaračkog događaja za promociju Izveštaja iz senke, broj 10, u Beogradu, do 15. novembra 2023. godine;
  • priprema i aranžiranje objavljivanja najmanje 15 članaka u nacionalnim ili lokalnim medijima u periodu od 5. oktobra do 31. decembra 2023. godine u vezi s promocijom Izveštaja iz senke;
  • organizacija najmanje 2 medijska pojavljivanja između 5. oktobra i 31. decembra;
  • priprema najmanje 8 web materijala s zagovaračkim sadržajem za društvene mreže od 5. oktobra do 31. decembra.
1.3. Trajanje ugovora

Usluga treba da bude završena najkasnije do 31. decembra 2023. godine, kada je krajnji rok za dostavljanje rezultata.

1.4. Rezultati

Usluge konsaltinga treba da obezbede sledeće rezultate:
  • realizovan zagovarački događaj;
  • objavljeni članci u najmanje 15 nacionalnih ili lokalnih medija;
  • organizovane najmanje 2 medijska pojavljivanja u svrhu promocije Izveštaja iz senke;
  • pripremljeno 8 web materijala s zagovaračkim sadržajem za društvene mreže;
  • Izveštaj o svim obavljenim aktivnostima poslat predstavniku WWF Adria Srbija.
Izveštaj o evaluaciji i sažetak izveštaja treba da budu dostavljeni u digitalnom formatu, na engleskom jeziku.

1.5. Predloženi raspored plaćanja

Troškovi se plaćaju na osnovu budžeta Projekta Bezbedna Priroda i Klima, stavka 5.8.2, u bruto iznosu.
Plaćanje usluge će se vršiti u ratama, prema sledećem rasporedu plaćanja:
  • 40% ukupnog iznosa ugovora treba da bude plaćeno u roku od 30 dana od potpisivanja ugovora o usluzi;
  • 60% ukupnog iznosa ugovora treba da bude plaćeno u roku od 15 dana od završetka usluge.
1.6. Kvalifikacije

Očekuje se da potencijalni pružalac usluga:
  • ima dokazano iskustvo od najmanje 3 godine u organizaciji događaja;
  • ima dokazano iskustvo u promociji na društvenim mrežama;
  • ima dokazano iskustvo u realizaciji uspešnih zagovaračkih kampanja u vezi s ekološkim pitanjima;
  • ima efikasne interpersonalne veštine.
1.7. Interna i eksterna komunikacija i vidljivost donatora

WWF Adria će imenovati kontakt osobu odgovornu za komunikaciju sa pružaocem usluga tokom izvršenja ove usluge. Prilikom izvršenja ugovorenog zadatka, očekuje se da pružalac usluga redovno komunicira s WWF Adria, prezentuje i diskutuje napredak kako bi se osiguralo da finalni rezultat ispuni ciljeve ugovora o usluzi. Očekuje se da finalni rezultat pruži elemente vidljivosti za pružaoca usluga, WWF Adria i Evropske komisije. Elementi vidljivosti trebaju se koristiti u skladu s smernicama za brendiranje pružaoca usluga, WWF-a i Evropske komisije.

1.8. Sukob interesa

Izabrani pružalac usluga - potpisaće ugovor s WWF Adria Srbija, koji će sadržavati izjavu o odsustvu sukoba interesa.

[1] Coalition 27 is an informal group of nine civil society organizations which monitors and contributes to the process of harmonization and implementation of policies and regulations of the Republic of Serbia with the European Union acquis in the field of environment and climate change (Chapter 27 of the negotiations). Coalition 27 advocates for and encourages public participation in the process of negotiations between the EU and the Republic of Serbia, and proposes measures that will contribute to the protection of the environment. Since 2014 Coalition 27 has been publishing its annual Shadow Report on Chapter 27 (eight by now) which has become one of the most reputable documents on the state of environment in Serbia and has the attention of international and national decision makers. 

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