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Tražimo menadžer/icu za EU fondove i fondove javnog sektora

Tražimo osobu koja će biti središnja točka koordinacije prikupljanja sredstava iz javnog sektora za WWF Adriju. Prijave do 15. prosinca 2022.

Ovo je vrlo dinamična pozicija koja će biti odgovorna za izgradnju snažnog partnerstva s institucionalnim donatorima i pomoći će nam da utječemo na politike potrošnje i prioritete velikih donatora javnog sektora prema istinski održivom razvoju. Uloga će identificirati, odrediti prioritete i koordinirati mogućnosti financiranja među nizom regionalnih i donatora specifičnih za državu, uključujući globalnu WWF mrežu, kako bi se usredotočili na financiranje programa za programe zaštite okoliša, očuvanja i klime koji su u skladu s prioritetima WWF Adrije.

Trebamo iskusnog operatera koji je upoznat s donatorskim okruženjem u balkansko-jadranskoj regiji s dokazanim iskustvom u identificiranju mogućnosti javnog financiranja te razvoju i koordinaciji uspješnih prijedloga koji se bave najvažnijim pitanjima naše regije, kao što su borba protiv klimatskih promjena, održivi razvoj te zaštite biljnih i životinjskih vrsta.

Posao je primjeren za osobu koja voli raditi u dinamičnom i međunarodnom okruženju, ne boji se izazova i voli učiti. Ovo je uloga okrenuta prema van koja zahtijeva diplomatske vještine i vještine utjecaja te će imati posebnu odgovornost za mobiliziranje financijskih sredstava kroz partnerstva javnog sektora (PSP). Ako volite raditi s EU fondovima, USAID-om, privatnim zakladama, veleposlanstvima i mnogim drugim donatorima iz javnog sektora koji djeluju u Adria regiji onda je ovo posao za vas!

Riječ je o visokoj poziciji koja podrazumijeva visok stupanj neovisnosti u radu, regionalnim putovanjima te samostalnom donošenju odluka i ispunjavanju financijskih KPI-jeva organizacije. Mjesto rada može biti Zagreb ili Beograd, nudimo fleksibilne uvjete rada, ugodno radno okruženje i mogućnost napredovanja.

Detalji o poslu su u nastavku:


We are looking for a person who will be the central coordinating point for public sector fundraising for WWF Adria. This is a highly dynamic position that will be responsible for building strong partnerships with institutional donors and will help us to influence spending policies and priorities of large public sector donors toward genuinely sustainable development. The role will identify, prioritise and coordinate funding opportunities across a range of regional and country-specific donors, including across the global WWF Network, to focus on programme funding for environmental, conservation and climate programmes that align with WWF Adria priorities.

We need an experienced operator familiar with the donor landscape in the Balkan - Adria region with a proven track record of identifying public funding opportunities and developing and coordinating successful proposals that address the most important issues of our region, such as combating climate change, sustainable development and protection of plant and animal species.

The job is suited for a person who enjoys working in a dynamic and international environment, is not afraid of challenges and loves to learn. This is an outward-facing role that requires diplomatic and influencing skills and will have particular responsibility for mobilising financial resources through Public sector partnerships (PSP).  If you enjoy working with EU funds, USAID, private foundations, Embassies and many other public sector donors that operate in the Adria region then this is the job for you! 

This is a senior position that implies a high degree of independence in work, regional travel, and independent decision-making and fulfilment of financial KPIs of the organization. The place of work can be Zagreb or Belgrade, we offer flexible working conditions, a pleasant working environment and opportunities for promotion.

Details of the job are below:

Position title:       WWF Adria PSP Resource Mobilisation Manager 

Reports to:           Conservation Director with a dotted line to WWF Adria CFO

Location:              Belgrade or Zagreb    

Starting/Ending:   2023/2025

Engagement:        Full-time position 

WWF is one of the world’s leading non-governmental and non-profit organizations for nature conservation. WWF has been established in 1961 and has representative offices in over 100 countries across the globe and approximately 7000 employees. The organization is proud of its supporters of over five million people.

WWF Adria is representing WWF within the countries of Western Balkans with more than 50 employees. It operates through the WWF Adria office in Zagreb (Croatia), the WWF Adria-Serbia office in Belgrade (Serbia), and partner organizations and consultants in other countries of the region. To implement its conservation goals WWF Adria operates in the structure of different programmes (Marine, Freshwater, Protected Areas & Governance and Wildlife) which are contributing to the protection of different ecosystems or to the improvement of the governance of protected areas.

As an international organization, we support a working environment of diversity based on justice and mutual respect. We, therefore, welcome every application - regardless of ethnic, social and national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status and political views.

I. Mission of the Department

WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. The entire WWF Network focuses on six major goals: forests, oceans, wildlife, food, climate & energy, and freshwater and three key drivers of environmental problems: markets, finance and governance. 

Public sector partnerships (PSP) have become an increasingly important part of WWF’s mission. PSP now contributes around a fifth of our income globally. We work with our partners to make the environment central to what they do and that’s helped leverage much greater funding for programmes that support our conservation objectives. By building strong partnerships with institutional donors, we’re helping to influence spending policies and priorities and also to divert large-scale investment away from environmentally destructive projects toward genuinely sustainable development.
II. Major Functions

The role will have a particular responsibility for mobilising financial resources through Public sector partnerships (PSP).  The post-holder will identify and coordinate funding opportunities across a range of regional and country-specific donors, including across global WWF Network to focus on programme funding for environmental, conservation and climate programmes that align with WWF Adria priorities. The post-holder will bring strong fundraising acumen, programming experience and a spirit of collaboration as it delivers on Adria PSP fundraising strategy. 

III. Major Duties and Responsibilities:     
Projects proposal and bid development
  • Keep abreast of the donor intelligence about upcoming opportunities and funding streams aligned with WWF Adria priorities and ensure their wide and timely communication within the WWF Adria organisation  
  • Act as operational lead responding to large and strategic PSP opportunities 
  • As needed, act as a PDT lead, coordinating Project Development Team, including technical advisors, consultants and other key contributors to developing content for grant proposals 
  • Provide leadership support and guidance to WWF Adria conservation teams leading proposal development processes ensuring all final submissions meet quality standards and donor requirements
  • With support and guidance from the WWF Practice and other network advisors, author content for grant applications for WWF Adria priority initiatives, ensuring all final submissions have been reviewed and approved by senior departmental stakeholders 
  • Identify, scope and position WWF Adria as a partner of choice for new PSP funding modalities such as direct awards, trust funds, tenders and complex consortia partnerships in line with WWF’s gatekeeping policies
  • Qualify and coordinate WWF Adria's approach to PSP opportunities and manage internal pre-selection processes 
  • Ensure consistency of approaches and best practices across WWF Adria PSP fundraising and proposal development, including ensuring donor compliance 
Partnerships development and relationship management  
  • Manage, initiate and act on opportunities to strategically engage with, involve and deepen existing programmatic relationships with a wide range of PSP donors across the Adria region working to obtain early intelligence on funding opportunities to ensure a coordinated approach
  • Identify opportunities for PSP donors to collaborate with WWF Adria on priority programmes and initiatives 
  • Collate and manage a portfolio of quality PSP programme proposals, research and evidence of impacts of WWF Adria work in order to support future programme funding and facilitate a proactive approach to various PSP funding entities 
  • Create opportunities for WWF Adria senior staff to engage regularly with PSP donors in order to position WWF Adria as a leading implementation partner 
  • Contribute to the advocacy process and support WWF Adria to influence and conceptualise programmatic priorities at the country and regional level 
  • Keep abreast of changes in the EU funding instruments and modalities and identify opportunities to input on and influence existing and new EU funding instruments and strategies 
  • Scope and develop partnerships with other organisations working in the international development and environment sector on resource mobilisation, potential consortium partners, private sector, international organisations and relevant research institutions
  • Actively participate in relevant donor meetings and networking events to further develop funding relationships 
  • Participate and contribute to relevant PSP funding platforms to broaden the perspective on industry trends, keep up to date on changes to PSP funding and application processes and jointly influence the PSP and donor funding architecture 
Capacity building and knowledge management 
  • Develop tools, guidelines and other resources to facilitate quality PSP proposal development processes across WWF Adria 
  • Ensure that advice, support, guidelines and training materials are regularly communicated, available and accessible to all WWF Adria staff
  • Support handover of newly acquired PSP programmes and projects, including the grant inception stage to ensure that all stakeholders are able to meet and adhere to donor rules and regulations 
Team role
  • Under the guidance of the WWF Adria Conservation Director and WWF Adria CFO, contribute to the development and implementation of a resource mobilisation strategy for increasing the PSP income in line with WWF Adria strategic priorities 
  • Be an active member of the PSP community, contributing to network-wide systems, process and policy development and information sharing on PSP funding 
IV. Profile:

Required Qualifications      
  • University degree in a relevant subject, preferably in development, environment, international relations, European policy or social sciences. 
  • Minimum 5 years of demonstrated experience in programme funding positions involving PSP/institutional donors  
  • Excellent written and spoken English
Required Skills and Competencies 
  • Proven experience in PSP/institutional fundraising in the international development sector
  • Experience in developing successful programme and project proposals and of delivering income against targets 
  • Demonstrable experience in leading successful large-scale or multi-country bids and securing grants and contracts at a multimillion level 
  • Track record of creating and managing relationships with PSP donors
  • Strong understanding of the latest trends in the fundraising and programming environment for international development, especially the EU development cooperation 
  • Excellent project management, with the ability to lead and work collaboratively with virtual teams across multiple countries in high-pressure environments in meeting tight deadlines 
  • Experience coordinating bid teams to deliver strong proposals and bids
  • Ability to interpret and analyse complex information from a range of sources and present to a donor in a detailed and accurate way
  • High numerical ability to analyse financial information, budget and monitor costs
  • Experience working within a networked and multicultural organisation, building relationships of trust with colleagues in different entities and countries in order to work effectively and flexibly to achieve impact 
  • Confidence to operate in a strategic role and to engage with senior managers
  • Strong interpersonal and organisational skills. Excellent communication skills, particularly to produce high-quality written documents
  • Act as the liaison between Adria SMT, finance teams and other governance bodies and responsible for maintaining a shared database of PSP project pipelineStay updated on developments in WWF International policy, standards and procedures and ensure Adria SMT, program leaders and other concerned staff are informed, trained and committed to PSP. 
  • Identify closely with the core values of the WWF organization: Courage, Collaboration, Respect & Integrity.
  • Clearly demonstrate behaviours aligned to the culture of WWF: Strive for Impact, Listen Deeply, Collaborate Openly and Innovate Fearlessly;
  • Adhere to WWF’s brand values: Knowledgeable, Optimistic, Determined and Engaging. 
V. Information and procedure

Are you interested in this position and do you recognize yourself in the above profile? Then we invite you to express your interest before December 15th 2022 by sending an e-mail with a motivation letter and CV in English with a list of two references to jmarkovic@wwfadria.org and titled "PSP Manager". Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted, and for selected candidates interviews will be held virtually.

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