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© Maja Lesinger

Millions of people around the world are turning off their lights for an hour every March to show their steadfast commitment to protecting nature. Join us on Saturday, March 22, at 20:30!

Earth Hour in our Region

Aware of all the impacts humans have on nature - its resources that we often take for granted, yet cannot withstand our demands without consequences - and its possibilities, WWF has been warning for decades that our behavior must change.

However, we are not here just to warn and present scientific evidence supporting the serious disruption in nature's balance. WWF also offers concrete solutions on how to restore that balance.

Apart from inviting all cities in our region to join Earth Hour by switching off the lights that illuminate the most recognizable monuments in capitals, cities, and places, we have joined forces again with the Zagreb Tourism Board for their Festival of Lights Zagreb. Take a look how it looked like last year! 

This year, the video that will illuminate the State Archives building in Zagreb will focus on the power of water. Notably, Earth Hour coincides with World Water Day.

Join us in Zagreb on Saturday, March 22, at 20:30 and enjoy the wonderful spectacle of light on Marulic Square. If you're not in Zagreb, wherever you are in our region, switch off your lights for Earth Hour and switch on the light in your head. Light up all the ideas on how you, and all of us, can behave better to sustain life on Earth.

Earth Hour started in Sydney in 2007 as a citizen action to protest against climate change and as a call for urgent action. For one hour on the last Saturday of March, millions across the globe turn off their lights to express their symbolic act of support for planet Earth. Countries in the Adria region have taken part since 2009.

Earth Hour in the World

Since our beginnings, Earth Hour has been known for the symbolic “lights off” in support of our planet. But starting 2023, we've stepped things up, breathing new life into our movement and mission to create the Biggest Hour for Earth. 

Whether you’re into food, fitness, the arts, or the outdoors, anyone, anywhere can give an hour to care for our planet. Last year, the world gave more than 1.4 million hours. This year, let us unite and go beyond to create the Biggest Hour For Earth!

Visit our Earth Hour platform and explore how can you give an hour for Earth doing something you love!


© WWF Adria

Join us in turning off our lights for one hour at 8:30 p.m., your local time on Saturday, March 22, to show your support for a healthy planet.
Share our campaigns, help us raise awareness on critical issues such as climate change or biodiversity loss. Support our actions.
