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Seas and oceans are now seriously threatened by overfishing, pollution and climate change. In Adria we aim to turn the tide for the Adriatic and recreate the equilibrium between people and the sea towards a more resilient and sustainable future.
Seas and oceans cover the majority of the planet's surface and connect distant lands. Since the dawn of human history the Mediterranean Sea – and the Adriatic as a part of it – has been both a source of livelihood and inspiration for a unique way of life in harmony with nature.
The value of the marine world goes well beyond its biodiversity. Seas and oceans regulate our climate, provide us with half the oxygen we breathe, absorb carbon dioxide and are a source of food for more than one billion people. The beauty of our oceans and coasts provide us with inspiration, recreation and tourism.
Unsustainable and irresponsible human activities could turn them into a wasteland. It’s time to change the way we act towards our oceans and treat this precious and fragile shared resource with dignity and respect.
We work in, on and around the Adriatic Sea, a fantastic 870km-long blue corridor with more than 1,000 islands. It attracts many tourists, sailors and divers, but it is also a home – a home to local communities and generations of fishers; and a home to amazing wildlife.
We have a long history: the first written mention of fishing on the easten Adriatic coast dates back more than a thousand years. In our conservation work we are able to build on the mutual trust between WWF and the people who live for the sea. Their wisdom, stories and lives are a beacon guiding us towards a sustainable future.
Although the Adriatic covers a relatively small area – it accounts for less than 6 percent of the Mediterranean Sea – its fishing productivity ranks 4th after the Black Sea, the Baleares and the Ionic Sea. It has the third highest number of fish species in the region after Catalonia and North Africa. Adriatic resources are shared by 6 countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia.
We are working towards creating healthy seas and oceans which support abundant biodiversity, sustainable livelihoods and a thriving economy.
We believe that rethinking the way we manage the many uses of our seas and oceans must become our shared priority. Taking care of our blue planet is something we must do together.
We work with governments, scientists, businesses, NGOs, coastal communities and seafood consumers to trigger transformative changes for a better shared use of the many benefits we often take for granted.
Many of the sea creatures we love – birds, fish, turtles and whales – are killed by the plastic that’s suffocating our seas. Join us to help solve the plastic pollution crisis.