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50+ food companies urge Commission to present strong proposal for an EU Sustainable Food Systems Law

The signatories are calling for mandatory requirements to reduce GHG emissions and the environmental footprint across the food supply chain

Transitioning to a sustainable food system is not only a priority for civil society and consumers, but also for the food industry. Today, 51 companies[1], including Danone, Unilever, and Coop have released a statement urging the European Commission to present an ambitious proposal for an EU Sustainable Food Systems Law.

Commenting on the statement, Giulia Riedo, Agriculture and Sustainable Food Policy Officer at WWF European Policy Office, said: “Food retailers and manufacturers are joining European citizens and NGOs in their call for the transformation of our food system. The new framework law can bring sustainability to our food supply chains and guide industry in this transition - which is exactly what companies need to protect their business in the long-term and to respond to the demands of consumers.”

The signatories are calling for mandatory requirements for all companies to reduce GHG emissions and their environmental footprint across the food supply chain. They also demand a clear alignment of public subsidies with environmental and social sustainability in food operations. “The framework should also ensure the removal of subsidies that are harmful to health, climate and biodiversity, while ensuring a just transition for farmers,” reads the statement.

The Commission is set to present its proposal for this law by September 2023, however the recent backlash - led by populist conservative politicians and parts of the farming lobby - against sustainable food policies is threatening the process. 

“This statement cannot fall on deaf ears. This law is our chance to help ensure long-term food security and the wellbeing of citizens, and to support companies, which are the engine of our economy. It would be unforgivable for the Commission to give in to scaremongering and populist campaigns,” added Giulia Riedo

Alejandra Morales
Senior Communications Officer, Deforestation and Food
+32 488 84 98 05

Notes to editors:
[1] A number of individual companies signed the statement, including Danone, Axfood, Bel Groupe, Färm, Sysco France, VeggieMeat and Diversity Seafoods. Other companies have joined via the European Plant-based Food Association, Euro Coop, and the European Alliance for Plant-based Foods.
© Pro Canva
Progressive companies from across Europe are calling for an EU Sustainable Food Systems Law

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